Amanda Radke is a true self-starter as an agricultural writer, speaker and advocate. A 2009 South Dakota State Ag Journalism graduate, she quickly built a career of storytelling. She sought out a BEEF Magazine internship and developed a position centered on increasing online traffic and building fresh, relevant content. This led to the BEEF Daily Blog and newsletter that launched right after her internship. Now the blog's editor, she finds current agricultural news and writes a daily post Monday through Thursday. Check out the BEEF Daily Blog for the latest ag news and how to start your ag story.
After graduation, she knew her heart was right where it started back home on the fifth generation ranch in Mitchell, SD. It only took one ‘yes’ after 29 rejection letters to start a freelance writing career for the Tri State Livestock News. Soon, she was writing and speaking up for agriculture and the beef industry in Farmer’s Advance and Hereford America. In May, she will also be featured in The Fence Post.
Public speaking is another aspect of her innovative career. After her National Beef Ambassador role in 2006, she built a strong national industry connection, and more doors opened after her FFA retiring address in 2007. Trent Loos, a national ag advocate, encouraged her to get on the speaking circuit. Once she started, it did not take long before the word got out. Based on referrals and word of mouth marketing, she continues to speak up for the beef industry across the nation.
One cause marketing effort she is proud to advocate is the All American Beef Battalion. She is a volunteer and press secretary for the Battalion that has fed over 80,000 men and women in the armed forces. Steak feeds across the country send off troops before deployment or help families celebrate their homecoming. The All American Beef Battalion will be honoring troops in Pierre, SD, on May 14th for the first time in South Dakota. To learn more or donate to the cause visit Steaks For Troops.
This agricultural writer and speaker will be hosting this year’s National Cowdog Finals this September on RFDTV. Amanda is not only an agricultural writer and speaker, but also a great example for upcoming graduates. She says, “Find your niche and specialize in what differentiates you. Define your passion and use your knowledge base.” For her, it was agriculture.
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